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Border Bark

Ultimate Border Bark is a high quality pine bark product that is absolutely ideal for large professional and domestic landscaping projects, when the appearance is as equally important as the practical advantages. 

This product is an FSC certified mixed bark consisting of 18 – 35 mm particles sizes. Ultimate Border Bark is decorative bark suitable for smaller garden beds, planting tubs and flower pots.

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Ultimate Topsoil sources one of the best Pine Bark products in the Country. We have it screened so the Bark is between 18 – 35 mm long and make sure it is made up with a very minimal amount of dust and fines. 

We have the product bagged and delivered to our yards in Olney and St Albans for distribution. Our Logo shows “you’re in safe hands”, because you certainly are. Our parent company has spent the last 20 years sourcing and distributing these products under its own name and as such has sold in excess of 5,000 cubic metres in that time. 

The Ultimate Border Bark is absolutely ideal for any professional and domestic landscaping projects, primarily where the aesthetics are critical. The Ultimate Border Bark is used on building sites but mainly on the show homes to enhance the look of planting areas. Its most common use is in gardens, where Ornamental projects or borders require a higher degree of aesthetics. 

All of the Bark we sell is FSC certified. The FSC is an international, non-government organisation dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world’s forests. Which gives you the confidence that Ultimate Bark Mulch is made from well managed forests and recycled sources. In all woodland and forestry management trees have to be felled in order to allow other trees to grow and to preserve the larger ecosystem. As a bi-product of this operation our Bark Mulch is produced and it will give you peace of mind that we are supporting a sustainable operation.

With Ultimate Topsoil, the product is only half the story, we feel the delivery of that product is just as important. Using our knowledge, we believe we have the formula that makes for an experience where you feel looked after from the moment you enquire about our products, through to taking delivery and beyond that with our aftercare service. We treat every job as if it is our own project and we want to help you as much as possible, giving you a nominated dispatch day and a time slot for your delivery.

We also deliver our products with lorry mounted forklift trucks, this way we are able to place the bags exactly (within reason) where you want them to be. This means gravel drives, long narrow tracks and putting the bags around the back of the house is not a problem. The only limitation is the width of the track, the forklift trucks are 2.6 metres wide and weigh two and a half tonnes empty.  They are all terrain trucks and will go nearly anywhere (subject to customer agreement). High fences unfortunately cause a few problems as we can’t lift over them. 

We as a company endeavour to try and make your life as easy as possible, and if you would like the bags to be split, so the Border Bark is left in a pile or dotted around a certain area we will accommodate all we can as long as access is good, and you have a sharp knife.

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